Matchbox Cars Wiki
Airport Fire Pumper
Debut Series 1-75 Series (Flame Eaters)
Produced 2001-2009
Number MB487
Designer Steve Moye
Scale Unlisted
Pre-Toy Fair Airport Fire Pumper


The Airport Fire Pumper has come out in the following versions:

Col # Year Series Color Tampo Base Color / Type Window Color Wheel Type Toy Number(s) Country Notes / Variations Photo
MB26 2001 1-75: Flame Eaters 1/5 Neon Yellow ACTION, Orange and Black stripes, MFD7 Black / Plastic Blue Tint 7SpokeSawblade 92231 (USA) 92851 (ROW) China Flame Chaser on (ROW) card Airport Fire Pumper (2001 1-75)
N/A 2002 Matchbox 50th Pre-Toy Fair Yellow Birthday Party, confetti, streamers Black / Plastic Blue Tint 7SpokeSawblade 95676 China Pre-Toy Fair Airport Fire Pumper
MB71 2002 1-75: Kids' Cars of the Year 7/10 Metallic Silver Red and Blue scallops Black / Plastic Blue Tint 7SpokeSawblade 95263 (USA) 96853 (ROW) China MB-71 Airport Pumper
MB71 2002 1-75: Kids' Cars of the Year 7/10 Metallic Silver 50-Logo, Red and Blue scallops Black / Plastic Blue Tint 7SpokeSawblade 95263 (USA) 96853 (ROW) China 204A - 2002 1-75
N/A 2002 Across America: Alabama 22/54 Dark Blue alabama, Rocket Recovery, 22 Black / Plastic Yellow Tint 7SpokeSawblade 97554 China 22 Airport Fire Pumper (Alabama)
N/A 2002 5-Pack: Flame Fighters Red 2 Alarm, fire hose Black / Plastic Blue Tint 7SpokeSawblade 97162 China S mb487-03
MB33 2003 1-75: Airport 3/5 Red "MHC Hangar 33", airplane, Red, White and Yellow stripes on side Yellow / Plastic Blue Tint 7SpokeSawblade 97728 (USA) 97836 (ROW) China Airport Fire Pumper (2003)
N/A 2007 5-Pack: Airport Gray 487, DE-ICER Black / Plastic Smoke 6SpokeUtilityGunmetal K9613 Thailand Airport Fire Pumper 2007
N/A 2009 5-Pack: SpongeBob SquarePants Pearl Orange Just Add Water, misc. colored SpongeBob silhouettes Black / Plastic Blue 6SpokeUtilityGunmetal N9942 Thailand Base Code(s): B47 AiportFirePumperSpongeBob

