Matchbox Cars Wiki
Dodge Commando
Debut Series 1-75 (ROW).
Produced 1982-2018
Number MB072/MB233
Scale 1:77
Dodge Commando Delivery Box Truck (PEPSI)


The Dodge Commando has been issued in the following versions:

Col # Year Series Color Tampo Base Color/ Type Window Color Interior Color Wheel/ Type Toy Number(s) Country Notes / Variations Photo
MB72 1982
1-75 Red / White PEPSI Black / Plastic Blue None M005f England ROW only Dodge Command-(1982)
MB72 1984 1-75 Red / White KELLOGG'S Black / Plastic Blue None M005f England ROW only Dodge Command-(1983)
MB72 1985 1-75 Yellow HERTZ, Van & Truck Rental Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau ROW only Dodge Commando (1986)
N/A 1986 Promotional Red Royal Mail, Parcels Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau UK only MB042 - 1986 Promo UK
N/A 1986 Promotional White Jetspress Road Express Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau Australia only MB072-OVP-1986-Promo-AUS-'JETSPRESS'
N/A 1987 Promotional Green / White Minties Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau Australia only MB072-OVP-1987-Promo-AUS-'Minties'
N/A 1988 Promotional Red / Yellow NESTLE CHOKITO stickers Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau Australia only Dodge Commando (1988 Australia)
N/A 1989 Promotional Red Kit Kat Red / Plastic Red tint None M005f Macau UK only Dodge Commando (1989 KitKat)
N/A 1989 Convoy Sets White PIRELLI GRIPPING STUFF Black Blue None M005f From CY-111 Pirelli Race Transporter Convoy Set Dodge Commando (Pirelli)
N/A 1989 Promotional Red / White Matchbox U.S.A., Sheraton Regal Inc. Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau MB072-OVP-1989-Piscataway-USA
N/A 1990 Promotional Green / Orange 'C' Plus orange Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau Canada only MB072-OVP-1990-Promo-CAN-'C'Plus
TC-4 1990
Team Convoys White XP, Express Parcel Systems Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Macau MB072 - 1990-1992 Team Convoy TC-4
TP-128 1992 Two Pack Red / White BIG TOP, CIRCUS Metal / Black Blue Tint None M005f Thailand Dodge Commando (1992 Circus)
MB72 1998 White/


MD Black/


Blue None M005f
MBX-1998-072 Dodge Commando
MB223 Modified Model (with Cage)
MC-803 1992 Circus set White CIRCUS tampo Black / Plastic Blue None M005f Thailand ROW only Dodge Commando (1992 Circus)

