Matchbox Cars Wiki
Ladder Truck
Debut Series Matchbox 1-75
Produced 2001 - 2003
Number MB488
Designer Steve Moye
50th Fire Crusher


The Ladder Truck has come out in the following versions:

Col # Year Series Color Tampo Base Color/ Type Window Color Interior Color Wheel Type Toy # Country Notes / Variations Photo
MB27 2001 1-75: Flame Eaters 2/5 Maroon White and gold tampos, FORCE,BASE 525 Gray / Plastic Amber White Four dot 92232 (USA) 92857 (INT) China Fire Saver Fire Saver (2001)
MB25 2002

1-75: Red Hot Heroes 1/4

Metalflake Copper Fire Rescue, Super Splash, White and Blue splashes Gray / Plastic Smoke Red Four dot 95221 China Fire Crusher on card, USA only 50th Fire Crusher
N/A 2002 5-Pack: Flame Fighters Red Alarm Black / Plastic Blue Gray Four dot 97162 (USA) 97278 (INT) 97372 China 333D - 2002 5-Pack
N/A 2002

Matchbox 50th Collection 4/4

White 50, Balloons, Matchbox 50 Red / Plastic Blue Red Four dot 97648 China 50th Collection Fire Saver
N/A 2002 Playset: Puzzle Metalflake Red Alarm Gray / Plastic Amber White Four dot China 333B - 2002 Playset Puzzle
MB3 2003 Sky Fire White Fire Truck tampos Gray / Plastic Blue Red Four dot 97684 China W/ or w/o Hero City logo on windshield FireCrusher2003