Matchbox Cars Wiki
Matchbox Cars Wiki

Wheel Types[]

Wheel Name Era Notes/Abbreviation
MB regular grey metal Original Hub (Grey) 1950's - 1966 Metal
MB regular grey plastic Original Hub (Grey) 1950's - 1966 Plastic
Black Rim Original Hub - 5513bf Original Hub (Black) 1950's - 1970's Plastic
Matchbox green hub Original Hub (Green) 1950's - 1970's Rubber tyre
Yellow Rim Original Hub - 5512bf Original Hub (Yellow) 1950's - 1970's Rubber tyre
Redrimoriginalhub Original Hub (Red) ? Rubber tyre
Bluerimoriginalhub Original Hub (Blue) ? Rubber tyre
Spoked wheel Spoked Wheel Late 60' Rubber tyre
MB silver dish Original Hub (Silver) 1968 - 1969 Rubber tyre
SuperfastSmall 5 Spoke 1970 - Present (5sp)
No.26 4294 MB48 5 Spoke (White Wall) ?
Red hub 5 Spoke (Red) ?
Yellow hubs 5 Spoke (Yellow) ?
MB 5 SP 5 Spoke 1970 - 1977 (5sp)
Matchbox 5 spoke square 5 Spoke Square 1970 - 1983 (5spsq)
Matchbox 4 spoke 4 Spoke 1970 - 1980 (4sp)
Matchbox spiro Spiro 1970 - 1978 (spo)
Bullseye Maltese Cross (Black, silver hubcap) 1972 - ? (mc-bksv)
Matchbox mc all terrain Maltese Cross All Terrain (Black, silver hubcap) 1972 - 2000 (mcat-bksv)
Chopper Wide 5SP Chopper Wide 5 Spoke 1972 - Present (ch5-bkbk)
Steering front roller Steering Front Roller 1973 - 1978 Used MB21 Rod Roller
Black roller Black Rear Roller
M004f Open Dot Dash - black, silver hubcap 1976 - 2006 (odd-bksv)
No.65 4297 MB99 Open Dot Dash - Orange ?
WhiteOpenDot10Spoke Open Dot Dash (New) - black, white hubcap 2007 - Present (odd-bkwh)
2013 2006 Fire Engine Tire Open Dot Dash (New) - black, red chrome 2013
M005f 5 Arch (hole) 1970's - ?
Fivearch 5 Arch 1976 - 2000? (5ar)
6888b 5 Crown 1976 - ? (5cr)
Small5spoke 5 Spoke Center Cut 1976 - 2007 (5spcc)
Used usually trailers and as hidden wheels
8-Spoke Industrial - 4740cf 8-Spoke Concave Treaded (Black, silver hubcap) 1982 - 2001? (8tr-bksv)
Black8spokeindustrial 8-Spoke Concave Treaded (Black) 1994 (8tr-bkbk)
Eight dot rims 8-Dot Rims 1984 - 2001? (8d)
MB Ra-Sp Racing Special 1984 - Present (rs)
MB Ra-Sp Chr Racing Special Chrome 1984 - ? (rsc)
MB Goodyear Eagle Goodyear Slicks 1988 - ? (gs)
Matchbox lasers Laser Wheel 1985 - 1988 (lw)
Used only on cars in the Laser Wheels series. Has a Silver Flat Hub.
Wire-Wheel-Starburst Starburst (Black, silver hubcap) mid 1980s (sb-bksv)
Used in USA market
Black Wood 12-Spoke - 5514bf Black Wood 12-Spoke ? Found on antique-era vehicles
Wheel Tractor (Front) Tractor Front Wheel 1978 - 1989 Used only MB46 Ford Tractor
Wheel Tractor (Rear) Tractor Rear Wheel
MB muir hill red Rubber Tractor Wheel (Red) 1972 - 1991 Used by Muir-Hill (K-5) and Digger and Plough (K-25)
MB muir hill yellow Rubber Tractor Wheel (Yellow) 1987 - 1991 Used by Digger and Plough (K-25)
MB SK 5 sp large 5 Spoke Large Wheel SK 1973 - 1979 Used by Cambuster (K-43), Bazooka (K-44) and Easy Rider (K-47)
MB SK 5 spcc 5 Spoke Center Cut SK 1977 - ? Used by Super Kings
MB SK 8 dot 8-Dot SK 1978 - 1985 Used by Super Kings
MB SK 5sp 5 Spoke SK 1983 - 1997 Used by Super Kings
MB SK 8 spot 8 Spot SK (Silver) 1984 - ? Used by Super Kings
MB SK 8 spot white 8 Spot SK (White) 1984 - ? Used by Super Kings
MB SK 8 spot yellow 8 Spot SK (Yellow) 1984 - ? Used by Super Kings
MB SK 8 spot red 8 Spot SK (Red) 1984 - ? Used by Super Kings
Gold Chrome 6-Spoke Half Moon - 01757cf 6-Spoke Spiral (Black, gold hubcap) 1994 - 1998 (6ss-bkgd)
7SpokeSawblade Sawblade 7 Spoke (Black, silver hubcap) 2001 - 2021 (7str-bksv)
Sawblade7SpokeWhite Sawblade 7 Spoke (White) ? (7str-bkwh)
Goldsawblade Sawblade 7 Spoke (Gold) 2004 (7str-bkgd)
SawbladeDarkGray Sawblade 7 Spoke (Dark Gray) 2006-2020 (7str-bkgr)
SawbladeBlack Sawblade 7 Spoke (Black) ? - 2006 (7str-bkbk)
7SpokeSawbladeYellow Sawblade 7 Spoke (yellow) (7str-bkyl)
Beige7Spoke Sawblade 7 Spoke (tan) ? - 2006 (7str-bktn)
RedSawblade Sawblade 7 Spoke (Red) (7str-bkrd)
M001f Cut Tri Spoke 2006 - Present (ctsp-bksv)
Yellowtrispoke Cut Tri Spoke (Yellow) ? - Present (ctsp-bkyl)
Cut Tri-Spoke (Black) - 2851df Cut Tri Spoke (Black) ? - Present (ctsp-bkbk)
Split5spoke Split 5 Spoke 1996(?) - 2001
Black-5-spoked-wheel Split 5 Spoke (Black) 2000
Lace Lace Wheels 2001 - 2010 (lace-bksv)
Goldlace Lace Wheels (Gold) 2001-2004 (lace-bkgd)
Lace Wheels (Black) Lace Wheels (Black) 2007?-2009? (lace-bksv)
M002f Split 10 Spoke 2006 - Present (s10sp-bksv)
M006f Split 10 Spoke (Black) ? - Present (s10sp-bkbk)
Split10SpokeBrown Split 10 Spoke (Brown) 2007 (s10sp-bnbn)
Split10Spoke(Red) Split 10 Spoke (Red) 2009-2012 (s10sp-bkrd)
DkGraySplit10Spoke Split 10 Spoke (Dark Gray) ? - Present (s10sp-bkgr)
Split10SpokeGold Split 10 Spoke (Gold) ? - Present (s10sp-bkgd)
5SpokeSuperfast 5 Spoke Triangle 2004 - 2009 (5tr-bksv)
5SpokeSuperfastSport 5 Spoke Superfast Sport 2009 - Present
5SpokeSuperfastSportblack 5 Spoke Superfast Sport (Chrome RIm, Black) ? - Present
Spoke Wheel Gold 5 Spoke Superfast Sport (Gold) ? - Present
Wheel (Sport Orange) 5 Spoke Superfast Sport (Orange) 2016
Wheel Sport Dark 5 Spoke Superfast Sport (Dark Gray) ? - Present
5SpokeSuperFastOrangeRing 5 Spoke Superfast Sport

(Orange Rim, Black)

? - Present
SuperfastSplitSpoke 5 Spoke Slotted 2004 - 2005 (5sl-bksv)
M003f 6 Spoke Sport 2006 - Present (6sps-bksv)
6SpokeBlack 6 Spoke Sport (Black) 2006 - Present (6sps-bkbk)
6SpokeOrangeBorder 6 Spoke Sport (Black with Orange Rim) 2011 - Present
6SpokeSportDkGray 6 Spoke Sport (Dark Gray) ? - Present (6sps-bkgr)
Black 6 Spoke Sport - 1270cf 6 Spoke Sport (Black Rimmed) ? - Present
M003f Small 6-Spoke Sport  2010 - Present First used on Honda Insight and Mazda 2, it was made to fit in cars with smaller wheel wells.
Matchbox 6SPU 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome, standard) 2007? - Present (6spu-bksv)
6-spoke-white 6 Spoke Utility (White, alternative Version, standard) ? - Present (6spu-bkwh2)
6SpokeUtilityWhite 6 Spoke Utility (White) ? - Present (6spu-bkwh)
6SpokeUtilityGunmetal 6 Spoke Utility (Gunmetal) ? - Present (6spu-bkgr)
6SpokeUtility(Black) 6 Spoke Utility (Black) ? - Present (6spu-bkbk)
6SpokeUtility(Brown) 6 Spoke Utility (Brown) 2008 (6spu-bnbn)
Wheel Grey 6 Spoke Utility (Grey) ? - Present (6spu-?)
6SpokeUtility(Gold) 6 Spoke Utility (Gold) ? - Present (6spu-bkgd)
6SpokeUtility(Red) 6 Spoke Utility (Red) 2009-2017 (6spu-bkrd)
Beigesixspoke 6 Spoke Utility (Tan) 2007 (6spu-bktn)
Orangesixspoke 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome Orange) ?- Present (6spu-bkor)
6SpokeUtility(Tan) 6 Spoke Utility (Tan tire) ? - Present (6spu-tntn)
Wheel Utility Yellow 6 Spoke Utility (Yellow) 2018 - Present (6spu-?)
Wheel Green JW 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome Green) 2019 - Present (6spu-?)
Ringed Disc - 1288cf Ringed Disc 2009 -  present (rgds-bksv)
Ringed Disc (White) Ringed Disc (White) 2010 - present (rgds-bkwh)
Ringed disc red 2012-08-05 Ringed Disc (Red) 2012
Black Rim Ringed Disc - 02156bf Ringed Disc (Black rim and chrome disc) 2011 - present
Ringed Disc black Ringed Disc (Chrome rim and Black disc) ?
RingedDiscBronzeRim Ringed Disc (Bronze rim and Black disc) 2023
Ringeddiscgold Ringed Disc (Gold) ?
Ringed Disc Grey Ringed Disc (Grey) ?
Notched 48 Tread Black Notched 46 Tread (Black) ? - Present
Notched 48 Tread Notched 46 Tread (Silver) 2005? - Present
Notched 36 Tread ? - Present
Ringed Flower Ringed Flower 2009- Present A green chrome version of this wheel type was used on the Hot Wheels casting Bucket O' Speed.
RingedGearBlack Ringed Flower (Black) 2011- Present
RingedGearBlue Ringed Flower (Blue) 2013- Present
RingedGearWhite Ringed Flower (White) 2009- Present
RingedGearPaleYellow Ringed Flower (Pale Yellow) 2009 - Present
RingedGearGray Ringed Flower (Gray) 2011- Present
RingedGearRed Ringed Flower (Red) 2013- Present
RingedGearGunMetal Ringed Flower (Gunmetal) 2009-Present
RingedFlowerBronzeRim Ringed Flower (Black, Orange rim) 2021-Present
Ringed Gear Rivited Ringed Gear 2006 - Present A green chrome version of this wheel type was used on the Hot Wheels casting Bucket O' Speed.
RingedGearRivitedBlack Ringed Gear (Black) ? - Present
RingedGearOrange Ringed Gear (Orange and Black) ? - Present
RingedGearRivitedGold Ringed Gear (Gold) 2008-2012
RingedGearRivitedOrange Ringed Gear (Orange) ? - Present
RingedGearRivited(Red) Ringed Gear (Red) ? - Present
RingedGearRivitedWhite Ringed Gear (White) ? - Present
RingedGearRivitedYellow Ringed Gear (Yellow) ? - Present
DkGrayRingedGearRivited Ringed Gear (Dark Gray) ? - Present
Four dot Four Dot 2001-2008
Blackfourdot Four Dot (Black) 2006-2009
Smooth disc Smooth Disc 1996-2007?
5-Spoke Teardrop - 1285cf 10-Spoke Flower 2001 - 2010
Goldteardrop 10-Spoke Flower(Gold) 2004-2005
5-Spoke Oval - 2535bf 5-Spoke Oval 2001 - 2010
Black Oval 5-Spoke Oval (Black) ?
FiveSpokeOvalWhite 5-Spoke Oval (White) ?
RedOval 5-Spoke Oval (Red)
Orangeoval 5-Spoke Oval (Orange) ?
Goldoval 5-Spoke Oval (Gold) ?
5SpokeOvalyellow 5-Spoke Oval (Yellow)
5SpokeOvalanthracite 5-Spoke Oval (Anthracite)
5SpokeOvalTan 5-Spoke Oval (Tan) ?
FiveSpokeOvalTan 5-Spoke Oval (Tan Tire) 2006-2011
Crown Crown 2004? - 2011
CrownDarkGray Crown (Dark Gray) 2006-2011
CrownBlack Crown (Black) ?
CrownBlue Crown (Blue) 2006
BrownCrown Crown (Brown) 2006
Goldcrown Crown (Gold) ?
Crown Tan Crown (Cream) 2007 Plastic tires with raised Matchbox letters on side walls
Rollerspiral Tiny Roller 1999-2008 Tiny Roller with painted spiral spokes
MB white wall White Wall ? Rubber tire
Goodyear rubber Goodyear 5 Spoke Chrome (GY5C) 1997-2002? Rubber tire
Solid5spoke Goodyear 5 Spoke Grey (GY5G) ? Rubber tire
GoodyearSpiral Goodyear Spiral ? Rubber Tire
Goodyearvw Goodyear VW 2000 - ? Rubber tire
Rubbersevenspoke Seven Spoke 2002-2005 Rubber tire
Rubbertrack Rubber Track 2001-2004 On Vehicles with rubber Tracks
RWR SC Wheel JSCC round Real Working Rigs / Super Convoy 2009 - Present Seen on Real Working Rigs and Super Convoy trucks
Wheel 4y4 2014 Ringed 8-Spoke 2012 - Present Larger than the Ringed Gear Rivited and Oval 5-Spoke. First used on Sand Shredder
Wheel 4x4 (Chrome rims) Ringed 8-Spoke (Chrome) 2013 - Present
Wheel Ringed 8-Spoke White Ringed 8-Spoke (White)
Wheel 4x4 Yellow Ringed 8-Spoke (Yellow) 2013 - 2018
GreenRing 8 spoke Ringed 8-Spoke (Green) 2015-Present
Brown R8SP Ringed 8-Spoke (Brown) 2016 - Present Used on the 2016 Vantom.
Wheel Off Road orange R Ringed 8-Spoke (Orange)
Yellow Ringed 8-Spoke2 Ringed 8-Spoke (Yellow) 2023
Silver 8 Spoke Rim
Silver Ringed 8-Spoke 2023
Wheel 2014 Constr 2-Ringed 8 Dot 2013 - Present Will be seen on the Sowing Machine, in the 2013 Orange version.
Road Roller Tire 2014.jpg 2-Ringed 8 Dot - Silver 2013 - Present
Tire Sowing Machine 2014 2-Ringed 8 Dot - Orange 2013 - Present
2-Ringed 8 Dot YellowRings 2-Ringed 8 Dot - Black Yellow Rings 2023
Wheel (2017 Off Road) Y-Spoke Offroad 2017-Present
Ultra Max Wheel 1 2015-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel
Vw t2 bus 17 wheel
Ultra Max Wheel 1 (White) 2016-2017 2-Piece Premium wheel
Ultra Max Wheel 1 (Red) 2015 2-Piece Premium wheel
Nasa SEV Wheel
Ultra Max Wheel 1 (Gold, White rim) 2022 2-Piece Premium wheel
Ultra Max Wheel 2 (Gray) 2015-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel
MBX Collectors Wheel
Eurospoke 2018 - Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Eurospoke Gold
Eurospoke (Gold) 2022 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Eurospoke (Orange, Silver rim) 2023 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Premium Cut Tri Spoke (Orange, Silver rim) 2021-2023 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Eagle Beadlock Wheel Eagle Beadlock 2020-Present First used on 2020 '95 Nissan Hardbody (D21)
EagleBeadlockBlack Eagle Beadlock (Black) ?-Present
Premium Classic Hub (Black) 2023-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire,
Based on Ringed Disc basic wheel.
Premium Classic Hub (White) 2023-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire,
Based on Ringed Disc basic wheel.
Premium 5 Spoke Superfast Sport 2024-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Premium 5 Spoke Superfast Sport (Black, Chrome rim) 2023-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Fenton 2023-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Premium Offroad 2023-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire
Premium Offroad (Orange rim) 2024-Present 2-Piece Premium wheel with True Grip rubber tire