Matchbox Cars Wiki
Peugeot Quasar
Debut Series Matxbox 1-75
Produced 1986 to 1995
Number MB169
Scale 1:57
Peugeot Quasar (MB169 - white)


The Peugeot Quasar has come out in the following versions:

Col # Year Series Color Tampo Base Color/ Type Window Color Interior Color Wheel Type Toy # Country Notes / Variations Photo
MB49 1986


1-75 White QUASAR White / Metal Grey tint Chrome Eight dot rims Macau Peugeot Quasar (MB169 - white)
SF25 1987 Superfast Blue Pink stripes, White "9" Black / Metal Grey tint Chrome Wire-Wheel-Starburst Macau USA edit 8649 Peugeot Quasar blu
LW-24 1987 Lasers Wheels Metallic Blue Pink stripes, White "9" Black / Metal Smoke Chrome Wheel Lasers Macau Peugeot Quasar (Laser 87)
MB49 1988 1989 1-75 Plum QUASAR Plum / Metal Grey tint w/ Plum "roof" Chrome Eight dot rims Macau MB169 - 1988-1989 1-75
MB49 1989 1990


1-75 Plum QUASAR Plum / Metal Grey tint Chrome Eight dot rims Macau Peugeot Quasar (1988)
1994 My First Matchbox Yellow red stripes with blue "3", red flames on side Light Green Grey tint Red Blue Eight Dot Rims 62111.21 CHINA Peugeot Quasar M.F.M. yellow
N/A 2000 Fanta Orange Fanta Orange / Metal Grey tint Chrome Eight dot rims Macau 980C - 1998 Promo CHN